As you are all about to Go to bed I want to exalt you all with a word of courage . The sun still shining in the mist of the storm. Ex16:10 says they looked and behold , the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. Without the cloud we wouldn’t be shielded from the burning sun. Without the cloud there would be no sunset, no rain, no landscape. The same is true with life’s clouds. When hard times come we easily get discouraged. But behind the clouds God is still present, and can even use them to water our souls with unexpected blessings. And Ex 19:9 says As God’s people wandered in the wilderness, He declared, Behold I come to you in thick cloud. Each of us experiences cloud in life , sometimes slight , but sometimes dark and frightening. Whatever clouds you face today , ask Jesus, the light of the world , to help you look behind the cloud to see His glory and His plan for you . God bless you
Ephesians 6:10-18 Whenever you want to carry out serious, life-changing prayers, you need to gear up in the spirit, this requires that you put on what Apostle Paul referred to as the "Full Armor of God". The armor will protect you from spiritual attacks. This is especially important If you want to be protected from any attack of the enemy, prayer this prayers over your life that can help you. PRAYERS 1. O God, Your word says Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Today, I put on the belt of truth, in the name of Jesus. 2. My Father, Your word says that Jesus bore my sins on the cross so that I can die to sin and live for righteousness. Today, I put on the breastplate of righteousness and my heart is completely protected, 3. Lord Jesus, You said in Your word that You have left Your peace with me and You have given me Your peace. Today, I put on my divine shoes of peace. With them, I trample upon and smash to pieces any evil assigned against my agenda, 4...
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